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What If Star Wars The Force Awakens Was Awesome

What if Star Wars: The Force Awakens Had Used the Michael Arndt Script?

An Alternate Vision of the Film

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The release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015 was a highly anticipated event, marking the return of the iconic franchise to the big screen. However, the film's development was not without its challenges, including the departure of original screenwriter Michael Arndt. Arndt's script, which was rumored to have been darker and more character-driven, has been the subject of much speculation among fans.

While Disney and Lucasfilm have kept the details of Arndt's script under wraps, some insights can be gleaned from interviews with Arndt and other members of the Star Wars team. Arndt's approach reportedly emphasized a more intimate and introspective story, focusing on the characters rather than the grand spectacle that ultimately defined The Force Awakens.

One of the key differences in Arndt's script was reportedly the treatment of the protagonist, Rey. While the final film depicts Rey as a strong and capable Jedi hopeful, Arndt's script allegedly portrayed her as more vulnerable and conflicted. This would have added a layer of emotional depth to the character and made her journey more relatable to audiences.

Another major change in Arndt's script was the absence of Supreme Leader Snoke. The character, who played a pivotal role in The Force Awakens, was reportedly not present in Arndt's original story. Instead, the script focused more on the rivalry between Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker, giving the two characters a more direct and personal connection.

Ultimately, the reasons for Arndt's departure and the subsequent changes to the script remain unknown. However, the hypothetical possibilities of what The Force Awakens could have been under his direction continue to intrigue and captivate fans. It may forever remain a mystery whether Arndt's darker, more introspective vision would have resulted in a better film, but it certainly would have been a different one.
